Has anyone volunteered to work in different ministry departments?
Because of the Food Pantry food distribution, we will change the third and final of the year leadership training to Saturday October 5th @ 10am. All departmental leaders, ministers, deacon (ness), worship leaders, musician. a. We will be adding some new people to our leadership teams.
Prayer Starts 6:30pm 1st and last nights at the church, all other nights via Zoom
Prayer Starts 6:30pm 1st and last nights at the church, all other nights via Zoom
Prayer 6:30pm 1st and last nights at the church, all other nights via Zoom.
Prayer 6:30pm 1st and last nights at the church, all other nights via Zoom.
Prayer 6:30pm 1st and last nights at the church, all other nights via Zoom.
Prayer 6:30pm 1st and last nights at the church, all other nights via Zoom.
Prayer 6:30pm 1st and last nights at the church, all other nights via Zoom.
Prayer 6:30pm 1st and last nights at the church, all other nights via Zoom.
Prayer 6:30pm 1st and last nights at the church, all other nights via Zoom.