Day Care Ministry

We exist to glorify God, to reach the lost and the un-churched by introducing people to Jesus Christ; ministering to needs, developing spiritual maturity and imparting the moral conscience of the community. We strive to help children develop Christian values in a safe learning environment and to encourage growth in social, emotional, physical, and cognitive learning abilities through active learning and play experiences.



Saturday, September 16, 2023

New Covenant Christian Church

10:00 A. M.

Brain Health: Presentation by AARP

It’s never too late to focus on your brain health! In this interactive session you will learn about the six pillars of brain health, activities that support brain health, and hopefully be inspired by others. This session is a good overview for anyone interested in learning more about brain health and will provide you with information on the latest research on brain health, lifestyle suggestions, and resources to learn more.

Open to Everyone! Please Come and Join Us!

 New Covenant Christian Church

10603 Blackhawk Blvd., Houston, TX 77089 |281-484-4230|

Bishop Bill Hines and Pastor Cheryl Hines