NCCC Ministry Mission Statements
New Covenant Christian Church has a number of ministries and services that keep our congregation running smoothly. We are always looking for volunteers to help run these programs, as well as participants who are looking to increase their bond with God and their family.
NCCC Church Ministry
The focus of this ministry is to reach the lost and the un-churched of our generation, to disciple and equip them to win others to Christ and provide a ministry that will minister to the total man (spirit, soul and body). To provide a ministry designed for building stronger families through teaching men to lead their families in the home, church, and community.
Prayer Ministry
The Mission for the Prayer Ministry is to help brothers and sisters in Christ to build a healthy prayer life. Luke 18:1 tells us that man should always pray and not faint. There should never be a time in our lives that we let a day go by without talking to God. Prayer is simple and the benefits are unlimited. We are here to help people overcome their fears of corporate as well as private prayer. We want to teach others how to pray effectively and without hesitation, so that our prayers will be
Sunday School Ministry
This ministry is designed to equip the body in the Word of God. To develop disciples in order to bring forth much fruit as stated in John 15.NCCC Sunday School mission is to connect people to the Body of Christ, to bring them to faith in Christ, help them to grow in grace and knowledge of Him, and lead them to develop a close relationship with God which expresses itself through obedience to His commands. We are prayerfully striving to reach and win the lost, teach and disciple them through the Word of God, for the glory ofGod.We are effectively reaching men,women,boys and girls for life’s transformation.The New Members Ministry is designed to familiarize the new members with the vision,purpose, goals, philosophies, and doctrines, etc. of NCCC.
Ministers Ministry
Ministers Ministry is designed to have the heart of the pastors and ministry, to have a spirit of follow-ship, to be an example for the Body of Christ, and to lift up the pastors in prayer
Music Ministry
The Music & Worship Arts Ministry of NCCC is a ministry where individual’s gifts such as singing, playing musical instruments, dancing and acting are offered to God.With these gifts,the atmosphere is cultivated for worship, and it gives parishioners an opportunity to give back to
God the gifts He has given them.
Legal Ministry
The mission of the Legal Ministry is to create a sense of legal awareness among the Pastors and church leaders for the purpose of reducing or eliminating the church’s exposure to legal liability,by helping the church identify and carry out its legal responsibilities, and to enforce compliance
with the church’s legal rights.
Graphic Design Ministry
This ministry is designed for “inspiring” maximum impact towards God’s Kingdom, while complimenting NCCC’s administrative/advertising needs. Our ministry specializes in design & layout, and custom print jobs: i.e.: binder covers, church programs, brochures, and flyers; as well as assistance with web graphic images and post card design & printing.
Grant Writing Ministry
Responsible for preparing the necessary documents needed in order to secure grant money from governments or foundations that provide grant funds to nonprofits, businesses or other eligible organizations. A grant writer’s job consists of developing proposals, writing project descriptions,
compiling other information required by grant makers and submitting grant applications. The grant writer is also to provide post-project reports required by the grant maker, tracking the progress of grants that have been received.
Computer Media Ministry
The Computer Media Ministry is designed for ministry presentation with the intent to usher in God’s presence utilizing inspirational worship videos as well as captivating the congregation during praise and worship, preaching, Bible study, singing, announcements, and musical
Education Ministry
This ministry provides tutorial services to the children of NCCC to enhance their educational development.
Financial/BOT Ministry
This ministry oversees the funds that God’s people bring to the storehouse.
Food Pantry Ministry
The purpose of the Food Pantry Ministry is to provide food and serve the surrounding
community, in order to alleviate/offset hunger to those experiencing food shortages.
Audio Ministry
The Audio Ministry’s mission is to reach Christians and non-Christians, lost and un-churched via compact discs (CDs) by making songs, prayer and the Word from the Lord available to those in need.
Youth Ministry
The Youth Ministry’s mission is to help the Youth of NCCC first of all by being a light for them;secondly, to help them make the right choices through the Word of God when faced with various types of peer pressure; and thirdly, to let them know that they too can be used by God to bring others to Christ by being the “Salt” Matt. 5:13.
Usher Ministry
The Usher’s mission at NCCC is to enhance the worship experience by serving as doorkeepers in the House of God with a loving spirit and positive attitude, which enables the congregation to feel welcome, comfortable and ready to worship.
Evangelism Ministry
This ministry is an outreach ministry designed to reach the lost and un-churched in the community and to lead others to Christ.
Video Ministry
The Video Ministry’s single greatest mission is to allow our church services, celebrations and other events that deliver God’s message to be viewed by the largest television audience available.Growth in personnel is the second mission. Last is to have the most efficient equipment within budget. Along with the other goals it is clear this ministry will reach out to the un-churched,save souls and bring more saints to God’s Kingdom.
NCC Church Secretary Ministry
To provide administrative services to the Pastors of NCCC with a spirit of excellence in whatever capacity necessary and to enforce the policies and procedures regarding the use of the church facility for events such as weddings, funerals, etc.
Deacon Ministry
The mission of the Deacon’s Ministry at NCCC is to serve the church and community in excellence, and with love, exalting the Kingdom of God.
Inventory Ministry
The mission of the inventory ministry is to keep track of all of NCCC’s equipment and supplies;to ensure that all equipment is accounted for and in operable condition; to conduct internal audit of equipment and supplies; to make sure loaned equipment and supplies are returned in operable
condition and supplies fully replenished.
Nursery Ministry
The vision/mission of NCCC’s Nursery is helping to train each child to show love, respect, and compassion for each other.
Greeters Ministry
The Greeter’s Ministry is an organized way for our members to help visitors to feel welcome and help them to have an uplifting experience with the congregation so they will want to come back.